Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Story of a Faceless Girl

The story of five-year-old Juliana Wetmore, who suffers from an extreme condition called Treacher Collins syndrome.

Julianna Wetmore was born with a rare genetic craniofacial disorder known as Treacher Collins Syndrome. This condition normally appears as elongated or sagging eyes and small or missing ears and generally affects 1 in 10,000. Not only is this a rare occurrence but, Julianna has perhaps the most severe case ever seen. The condition was first seen during pre-natal scans where doctors thought that she had a cleft palate. However, the full extent of her disfigurement was not seen until she was born.

Treacher Collins Syndrome is a genetic mutation that prevents the proper formation of the skull, cheek and jaw bones. Julianna's case was so severe she required immediate plastic surgery to uncover her left eye and to open up an airway so that she could breathe.
Born with Treacher Collins disease and known as the faceless girl, Juliana Wetmore shocked the world not only with her unusual features but most especially her story and how she live day by day showing the world the true meaning beauty.
Juliana bravely shows the world herself and mingles with people through sign language. After Juliana Wetmore’s story was featured in international shows, many people around the world sent happiness and kindness to Juliana and her family through letters and gifts.  

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